Amped wrote:It is announced that Morning Musume. '17 will have a new short radio program on TOKYO FM station (and 38 net radio stations) called "marukome Morning Misoshiru Nomou yo!" (marukome モーニングみそ汁 飲もうよ!). Begins July 1st and will air every Saturday morning at 10:50am~10:55am.
Now you can drink your Morning Miso Soup while spending 5 minutes every morning listening to Morning Musume. '17
Press Release for the new radio program
MCs for July are Fukumura Mizuki and Yokoyama Reina. MCs will change every month. Every week, the show will have Morning Musume. '17 talk about the importance of breakfast and advice on how to spend your morning with better healthy habits. Yokoyama says that she needs to eat breakfast because she gets hungry by noon. Mizuki says drinking Miso soup is good for your stomach so it doesn't grumble at a bad time. They also discuss how schools in Tokyo area are providing healthy breakfast regularly. ... 04829.html ... 2092768256
official site opening 6/30