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Re: Last movie you watched

Mon Apr 08, 2019 1:47 pm

Family tried to watch Mary, Queen of Scots on Friday night. I think it was almost over when our power went out. :lol:
We didn't bother finishing it. To be honest, none of us were really into it. Kind of a bummer, but at least we didn't pay movie theater price for it!
Saoirse Ronan seems like a fine actress, so maybe I'll find something she's in that won't bore any of us?

Also, they did a pretty good job of making Margot Robbie look as unattractive as possible. :fear:

Re: Last movie you watched

Mon Apr 08, 2019 2:21 pm

Moh wrote:Saoirse Ronan seems like a fine actress, so maybe I'll find something she's in that won't bore any of us?

Hanna? Byzantium? The Grand Budapest Hotel? Lady Bird?

Re: Last movie you watched

Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:50 pm

Didn't realize that was her in any of those movies. Well, based off of the previews, that is. :lol:
After reading the synopsis for Hanna (and also seeing that Cate Blanchett is in it), I'm down for that one! Lady Bird sounds pretty good, too.

Re: Last movie you watched

Tue May 07, 2019 4:21 pm

I went to a preview screening of Tolkien this evening. My friend and I got there way too early, so we had time to browse at a nearby bookstore and eat way too much ice cream at Fenton's.

The movie was enjoyable enough, but it's a biopic, with all that entails: events imagined and reimagined, chronology compressed, expanded, and rearranged for dramatic effect, etc. G.B. Smith's A Spring Harvest, for example, was published in 1918, not "years later" when Tolkien was a professor at Oxford. It was interesting to see how they skirted around material from Tolkien's works that they couldn't legally use.

Sir Derek Jacobi was a good choice to play Joseph Wright. He found a good balance between the speech of an Oxford don and Wright's native Yorkshire accent.

Speaking of Oxford dons, I can't wait to see Mel Gibson and Sean Penn in The Professor and the Madman. I loved the book. And of course Gibson has played a Scotsman before. XD

Re: Last movie you watched

Sat May 11, 2019 9:11 am

Detective Pikachu. And it was in 3D for the price of 2D! It was fairly entertaining, but I'm not sure I'd want to watch it again either? CG Pikachu was cute. Some of the other Pokémon having human-looking teeth was creepy, though. :wacko:

Re: Last movie you watched

Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:02 pm

A Simple Favor (2018)
Like a Quentin Tarantino movie but in slow motion which only dawned on me after hearing the ending credits song.

Re: Last movie you watched

Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:39 pm

^ Ah yes, I'm quite familiar with "Laissez tomber les filles" — France Gall's original less than April March's French and English cover versions, which I knew before Tarantino used them in Death Proof. Fun fact: April March is Elinor Blake, who was a writer and animator for Ren and Stimpy.

Re: Last movie you watched

Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:40 am

Deliverance: It... was a movie, I guess. :lol: I can't say it's one I really enjoyed. The "Duelin' Banjos" sequence was easily the best part imo.
Booksmart: I thought it was pretty fun, but ymmv depending on your sense of humor! The cast was pretty solid, too.
Breakthrough: Acting-wise, I thought quite a few of them were phoning it in. I did enjoy it from a ~spiritual~ aspect, though, so I'll probably look for a copy of the book.

Re: Last movie you watched

Tue Sep 17, 2019 3:25 am

The Idiot (1951) the Japanese adaptation
I can’t believe I even watched the whole thing.
I’m the idiot! :lol: Lost in translation for sure. Still scratching my head. XD

Re: Last movie you watched

Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:29 am

^ Part of your confusion is undoubtedly due to the fact that the film was drastically edited down from a 265-minute original, now lost.
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