Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:38 am

AyuHikaru wrote:I'd prefer they don't do the "WE NEED TO FIND ANOTHER ACE STAT" thing. The last time that happened we got Koharu...

More recently was the "Suppin Utahime" audition that gave us Sakura, because they needed to replace Aichan.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:09 am

Sakura Was an absolute godsend. I have never been so proud of a member than I am of Sakura. And Tsunku's reaction to her singing is awesome too. He was just so into it.

That was a bit offtopic.

On topic I am excited :D

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:30 am

^^Don't you mean the S/mileage audition Celedam?

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:31 am

Normally I really love new members, but this feels too soon lol. I hope they do the reveal later in the year, giving them time to build up 12gen who (outside of Miki) have kind of fallen flat imo. 12th gen is almost the new 5th gen right now, with one immediate standout and 3 others who are kind of just... there. I hope it doesn't take them 5+ years to blossom too. Adding another gen of nobodies on top of that is just :| maybe we'll luck out and get another fun girl (like Maachan, Tsuji/Kago) or a new ace, but we could also end up with another Koha or Aika (who I both adore now, but their tenures were quite a bumpy road and not quite as fruitful as hoped.)

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:34 am

^Ogata is doing better than Miki, minus singing ability

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:09 am

Chibs wrote:Don't you mean the S/mileage audition Celedam?

No, I don't. The point of the "Suppin Utahime" audition was to find a new singing ace to replace Aichan in MM, and that's the audition Sakura actually won.

Of course she joined the Kenshuusei first, through an earlier S/mileage audition, but that was incidental. In fact, I believe they had her in mind for MM all along and simply parked her in the Kenshuusei until the time was right.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:25 am

Not sure Sakura was meant to be an "ace" though, but her start was hella rocky too since a lot of Wota thought she was ugly.

someone did bring up a good point about 13th gen overshadowing the ALREADY easily overshadowed 12th gen. That's actually not something I thought of, here's hoping 12th gen can really get it together in this next year.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:26 am

To be expected, although I'm in the "1 or 2 only please" camp. I like having a lot of girls, but also don't want it to get too crowded feeling.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:40 am

AyuHikaru wrote:Not sure Sakura was meant to be an "ace" though, but her start was hella rocky too since a lot of Wota thought she was ugly.

Of course it can be debated whether Sakura has been popular or successful in her appointed role, but that is her role just as that was the purpose of that audition.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation new member audition!

Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:21 am

Expected this once they announced Riho's graduation. I'd also prefer 1 or 2 members, but I'm not gonna whine if they add more than that. :lol:
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