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Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:45 pm

esm wrote:Clarification to my previous post...

"Will there be food and drinks at the event?
There will be no food, and the only drinks available at the event will be water. We strongly recommend you eat before coming, or bring something to much on. Please don't bring alcohol though, as the venue does not allow it without a permit."

Hence food before we go.

I'm down for meeting up for dinner/drinks! We could go somewhere nearby. Hello! Party is right at the end of Times Square so there's a LOT of food options. They'll all be pretty packed, though. Or if you're willing to venture a little further there's some excellent Korean BBQ like 5 minutes away by train, and there's a maid cafe further downtown (20 mins by train at most).

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:11 am

I have pretty bad anxiety and I can get overwhelmed by large groups of people. The excitement of meeting H!P fans might help but I can never be too sure. Our love of H!P may keep things from getting awkward! I'm still debating. Also I have to pick up a friend from the airport and he may be too tired to go.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:23 am

I'm not super social, to be honest. Like if I'm just with one other person I could talk forever and make decisions, but add another person and I would speak like maybe 10% of the time and sort of be tagging along. When the group is big enough people kind of talk in little groups though, I think.

But if there's shared interests then I'm good, and nowadays I'm better at talking overall (we can talk about languages and stuff too :happy: ). I've been more into traveling and meeting up with other random travelers lately. :lol:

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:33 am

It's going to be an introvert party! Not going to lie, I also am a really shy an awkward person who also has this aura of, please don't talk to me about me. But when it comes to being stuck in a group full of people who share the same interests, that awkwardness kind of gets pushed back and your shyness will take a back seat to all things H!P and idol related. It's crazy how different I am among like minded fans then I am in any other social gathering. You'll be amazed at yourself. Hello!Party is a GREAT opportunity to better socialize among your peers then standing in linezilla'14.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 3:01 am

INTROVERTS UNITE! Or… I guess… we can do our own things by ourselves….

There are few things more uncomfortable to me than being at a party (or worse yet, a bar) full of random people that I don't know and have little or nothing in common with. Shared interests will do a lot to bring me out of my shell, but even then I tend not to be very talkative. Case in point: when my close circle of Elvish linguist friends took a group photo in the style of the Beatles' Abbey Road cover, I naturally assumed the role of George.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:26 am

Takes the right type of topic to get a conversation started. Talking points for me outside of Hello!project are, Doctor Who, Star Trek, And Sailormoon. I probably have more but then I'd start to clam up because I just don't know enough to start and have a full conversation.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:33 am

I think that it will work out very naturally. The first Hello! Party worked with the same basic mix, and the Japanese language meetup groups that I go to have a very similar social mix -- most of the people range from introverted to in-the-middle, with a basic set of common interests (pretty much the same ones as people have here XD ) that serve to level things out and help people to open up.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:22 am

I'm not an introvert, but I can tell you guys the fact we're all going to be there for a common, very specific thing makes it A LOT easier to socialize. It's easy, we all like Hello1Project, start the conversation there! The two times I've had been to an H!P fan meet up (One in 2009 for MM going to AX, and another just because we went to AX in 2013 and had an impromptu meet up - shout out to icey, TotallyUncool, and Sohee <3 who, among others, karaoked all night with us) and it's always really easy to talk to H!P fans, mostly because you already know what to talk about.

I'm always down to meet H!P fans before Hello!Party to go eat or something, have a few drinks, go be social. Let me know. I'm bringing my fiance and my roommate. It'll be fun. If you guys want to grab something, I'm down. I'm looking forward to meeting you guys, we should have something that shows we're from Jplop so I know who to run up to though XD

(I'll be easy, I'm bringing all my Haruna shirts and pretty much wearing them exclusively)

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:58 am

we should have something that shows we're from Jplop so I know who to run up to though XD

... I just might have something to give to anyone that finds me. :fear:

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York

Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:04 am

I know what some of you look like. I'll go post a recent picture eventually.
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