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Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:06 am
by Amped
more Summer vacation/Family Trips

Eripon's family trip in Korea
Image ... 87192.html

Nonaka Miki's trip to Shichirigahama with her mom, visited a cafe.

Yokoyama Reina family trip to Nikko Edo village, watched a Ninja theater performance

Yokoyama's family then went to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Arc de Triomphe, Pyramid, Statue of Liberty at Tobu World Square, where everything is miniature sized.

Kaede went up Mt. Takao

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:58 am
by Amped
with some time off, Ayumi went back home to Miyagi, where her mother organized a schedule to spend some time together. They went to Yakurai Gardens in Kami-cho. Then went to Tome City for Naganuma Lotus Flower Festival. Then she ate lunch in Minamisanriku.
Image ... 28456.html

Funaki Musubu went to out to Kamakura with friends. They had no plan. It was very hot today so she rode a rickshaw around the temples. Took pictures. Went to try Matcha Tiramisu her friend recommended. She is enjoying her summer vacation
Image ... 79824.html

Today was a hot day, so Morito Chisaki had a little time off and went to get ice cream with Kamikokuryo. It was short, but they had fun talking.

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:57 am
by Amped
Amped wrote:Juice=Juice Takagi Sayuki announced that she got her Scuba Diving license with Kanazawa Tomoko. They are in Okinawa for coral saving activities. Tsubaki Factory Kishimoto Yumeno went along with them to Okinawa to have fun and relax. ... 84899.html

Licensed scuba divers Yajima Maimi and Nakajima Saki went for a private dive today.

Maimi says Kishimoto Yumeno just recently got her scuba diving license. She invited Kishimoto to come along and go diving with them.
Image ... 54919.html

Kishimoto was so excited to finally dive with Maimi and Nakky. ... 29389.html

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:06 am
by Amped
Tomorrow (8/28) at 6pm JST, Juice=Juice will be on LINE Live. ... 8232683520

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:13 pm
by Amped
Juice=Juice LINE Live from World Tour rehearsals @ 6pm.

staff having technical difficulties with LINE live at moment...

20 minutes late..

30 minutes..

40 minutes...?

staff apologizes to everyone looking forward to the LINE live. They are having troubles getting LINE to work. a new time will be announced. ... 1007849472

after an hour, LINE live problem is solved. New time will be 8pm ... 5898554368

Juice=Juice waiting for LINE live to work..
Image ... 8515804160 ... 0186147840

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:08 pm
by Amped
8pm LINE Live (recorded)

its been awhile since we heard Karin talk. She has so much to say.

They just commented about starting rehearsals for their World Tour, Karin coming back, and Budokan concert tickets going on sale.

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:06 am
by Amped
Miyamoto Karin wrote:Concerning my comeback

This is Miyamoto Karin from Juice=Juice。

My comeback was announced on the official site、
And I was able to offer my greetings with my own voice over on LINE LIVE。
I had the opportunity to tell all of you with my own voice。
It made me really happy。 Thank you so very much for your many comments。

Ever since I was diagnosed with 『Functional dysphonia』

I took a break for a short while

From concerts、 events
And jobs that used my voice

But I’ll be appearing starting with our 31st August performance of 『Juice=Juice Live Around 2017 ~Seven Horizon~』 at Yokohama Bay Hall。

Looking after that
I’ll also be appearing at

『Juice=Juice Live Around 2017~World Tour~』

I caused difficulties for
The members、 the staff members
And a lot more people、

And of course, I caused concern to all of you。

And yet
When I told the members with my own voice
That I’d be coming back
They all welcomed me warmly。

The kindness of the staff members。

The warmth of all the Juice=Juice family。

I was able to feel those firsthand once again。

Having normal activities
Being able to perform on-stage。

I really think
That I can’t think of all of those
As something that’s a given。

At first
It wasn’t certain
Whether I would be able to make a return someday

For me myself
At first, when my voice couldn’t come out
And even when it could, I couldn’t sing finely
I had no idea when I’d heal。

There was a time when I was at a loss and felt miserable
Over the fact that I was troubling others and being an inconvenience and yet I was unable to do anything about it。

Yet still
Through the blog comments
I received your kind words
Telling me that you’d wait forever
And all the members
Sent me their gentle words
And that really drove me to want to come back to the stage。

「Functional dysphonia」
Is not uncurable
My singing will decide on
How I’ll train and rehabilitate from now on。

From when my voice started to return, though it was barely audible
My regular vocal coach
Taught me once again
How to control my voice and breathing
Using instruments like the pianica and the kazoo

Getting hit by this illness
My mind was focused on ‘I want to talk。 I want to sing’
And I did a lot of things I’d found out about for the first time
As well as plenty of training。
Thanks to that
I was able to make a swift return。

From now on
I’ll strengthen the muscles surrounding my vocal cords
While taking care to not mess things up by overdoing it
Just like how I take care of my body

I would like to give my all
Towards my Juice=Juice activities
Doing each and every thing carefully
So that I don’t cause worry and concern again。

It may be presumptuous of me

But it would make me happy if you would keep on supporting Juice=Juice、 and Miyamoto Karin。

And once again
For all of the support from
The Juice=Juice family
The members
The teachers and the staff members
My family
And everyone I deal with
Thank you so very much。 ... 79628.html

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:03 am
by Amped
Today, Morning Musume. 10th gen members were filming on location all day at Fuji-Q Highland amusement park. They went on roller coasters, got tired, and ate. They had fun and made memories. They are all feeling very sleepy they said.
Image ... 00610.html ... 72021.html ... 13615.html ... 17971.html


Oda got the sleeping faces of 9 members at the concert venue dressing room after they woke up early for 24hourTV performance. She tried to get Harunan, who was lying down but she was still awake.

members who were not sleepy
Image ... 04391.html

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 1:00 am
by Amped
from this morning, 7-nin Juice=Juice were on location filming a new DVD magazine in Yomiuri Land. On the ride to the location, they played fun word games together. This will be Danbara Ruru's first DVD magazine. ... 21357.html ... 04716.html ... 98248.html ... 68898.html ... 20573.html ... 19192.html


Juice=Juice during the rehearsal for the World Tour! Get ready ;)
Image ... 6457170944

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:38 am
by Amped
Harunan's manga recommendation

Very much, for me, a happy announcement!!!!

Tomorrow’s release of

Kindaichi Renjuurou-sensei’s

「Shimekiri wa Ototoi desu。」[tl approx: The Deadline Was The Day Before Yesterday]

The Endorsement Obi

I got to write ittttt



I like manga, and so being in this form like this makes me very happy(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡

More over it’s for Kindaichi Renjuurou who I’m very much indebted to!

The obi, what could you have written, by all means please get it and look kay♡

For all the fans, it’s totally totally an interesting manga.

Why I might say it’s a Hello Wota manga. It’s wonderful.

By all means, for sure, please check it out (*´꒳`*)♡ ... 51493.html
