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Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:26 am
by koregaboku
aerosuffly wrote:That's kind of sad because I still want to see her on a stage with other OG and current members. And who knows how the music production from her husband agency will be like, in comparison to UF.

They could still blurr the lines quite a bit. They had the OGs perform at Maki's final Avex concert (hell they even retained the G-Emotion naming convention). If Ayaya starts performing live again, they're almost definitely going to pay Up Front royalties since she wouldn't have a discography otherwise.

And while this may not matter as much, w-inds.'s record label is Pony Canyon which does have a relationship with H!P... (not recently and the management company probably matters more, but still).

Also, side note- Up Front seems to have lax-ed the rules around hanging out with former individuals and publicly posting about it/acknowledging it: see current H!P hanging out with/going to go see Meimi, Gaki and Ai-chan still chilling with Makoto and Konkon (remember the 5th gen reunion at Ai-chan's penultimate MM. concert?) and I'm sure there's some other examples I'm missing.

So, there's hope.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 1:34 am
by boinsie

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 2:43 am
by Moh
All my years of wishing for C-ute to come to Nashville finally came true!

Sort of.

And I'm not even there anymore. :|

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:51 am
by downfrontguy
koregaboku wrote:
aerosuffly wrote:That's kind of sad because I still want to see her on a stage with other OG and current members. And who knows how the music production from her husband agency will be like, in comparison to UF.

They could still blurr the lines quite a bit. They had the OGs perform at Maki's final Avex concert (hell they even retained the G-Emotion naming convention). If Ayaya starts performing live again, they're almost definitely going to pay Up Front royalties since she wouldn't have a discography otherwise.

And while this may not matter as much, w-inds.'s record label is Pony Canyon which does have a relationship with H!P... (not recently and the management company probably matters more, but still).

Also, side note- Up Front seems to have lax-ed the rules around hanging out with former individuals and publicly posting about it/acknowledging it: see current H!P hanging out with/going to go see Meimi, Gaki and Ai-chan still chilling with Makoto and Konkon (remember the 5th gen reunion at Ai-chan's penultimate MM. concert?) and I'm sure there's some other examples I'm missing.

So, there's hope.

Well not going to predict future, but keep in mind that

a) Goto was an ex-MM and had somewhat close connection to MM OGs, which explains that one time guest appearance at each other's concert (e.g. Dream MM @ aforementioned Goto's concert and her 2 appearances at Dream MM concerts, only performing in one of them).

Matsuura, on the other hand, was not close to or at least there is no apparent evidence that she was particularly close to any of H!P OGs, both professionally and personally enough to warrant guest appearance/collaboration. Probably being a soloist for her entire H!P career contributed to that - except for some random temp units. At best, the closer ones were Fujimoto, melon kinenbi girls (due to joint concert activities), and Inaba Atsuko (of ex-Taiyou to Ciscomoon). Inaba made a guest appearance on Matsuura's 2013 cotton club thingy once, so there's that. I do remember some odd appearances like Yoshizawa & Ishikawa in bunny costumes @ her 2009 concert, but don't ever remember her being a guest @ any of other H!P individual act concerts except during her first years.

b) MM 5th gen & Smileage 2nd gen hanging out is just them hanging out in their private time and posting photos. As long as they are willing, why not? It's not like these appearances are for monetary purpose (i.e work-related) and their Ameblo and instragram posts drive any ¥. And all of these aforementioned girls are active in the industry.

Personally I don't see any reason whatsoever for Matsuura to have collaboration with any of H!P OGs - and definitely not with any of post-elder club girls. She has basically zero connection with these post 2009 girls.

It may feel sad, but it is what it is. Other than some nostalgia factor, I don't see much merit anyway. I kinda want to see how someone like Chisato Okai who covered Matsuura songs probably the most in H!P in her birthday events and such would sound like next to Matsuura. Or even Chisato Moritaka or Nakajima Takui. But meh. Basically pretty much all of ex-H!P girls are more or less retired from active singing for years anyway, so really, what's the point. Ahem, I don't really count Michishige as a singer. :)

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 1:15 pm
by Amped
Sanma-san is in New York and met up with Satoda Mai and her husband. They went to watch her husband at the Yankee's baseball game.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 1:49 pm
by Amped
Iida Kaori gives birth to her third child. It is a healthy baby girl.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 10:20 pm
by Starra
^^^I think the difference may be, like you said, girls in a different agency who are still public figures vs. girls who are aren't signed to anyone. Maimai, for example, has left the entertainment industry and thus her face is blurred out for privacy/legal reasons, whatever those may be. With Meimi they don't need to do that, same with other H!P OGs who are under another agency.

Girls from non-UF idol groups appear in photos in blog entries from time to time (usually around TIF/@JAM or other multi-group events) without any issues.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:43 pm
by 321BreakinOut

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:56 pm
by Starra
Did you miss the entire above discussion? :unsure:

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:29 am
by 321BreakinOut
Yes I did lol :hehe: