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Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:38 am
by esm
I'm seeing Perfume in Chicago this Wednesday. I'm excited.

I honestly haven't listened to them for like, the past two albums, so I might need to listen to them more in the next few days.

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:08 am
by erilaz
^ I bought the last couple of albums because they were released domestically, but I hadn't listened to them much, so I wasn't too familiar with most of the songs they did at the show. They only did a couple of the very early songs that I know well.

A tip for anyone going to the Chicago or NYC shows: They had a very strict no cameras, no recording, put your phone in airplane mode or turn it off policy. They were using wifi for the stage show, so electronics out in the audience would interfere. Glowsticks and the like were also prohibited, so just leave them at home. Bryan had to check his King Blades at the door, and the venue wasn't set up for that, so when he went to pick them up after the show, they were just behind an unattended partition by the door where anyone could have taken them.

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:46 am
by Moh
esm: Have fun! :happy:

Wednesday Campanella - Matsuo Bashō

It mentions Prius in the video description, so I guess it's for something related to it? :lol:

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:11 pm
by esm
Perfume was a lot of fun. I went with a friend who's "normal" so we didn't line up all day. In fact, we only went after the door opened, so we were way at the back, but we stood on a little elevated area where handicap seating was, so we had a great view. Of course, there were crazier fans that lined up early (I went by the venue before hanging out with my friend that afternoon), and the merchandise line was crazy before and after the show.

Naturally, the food the girls talked about was deep-dish pizza, and our cheer word was "pizza". It was funny how it separates into "pi-tza", and A-chan had difficulty with the "tz(a)" for a bit at first. I was surprised how they were pretty good at speaking English spontaneously though, at least for J-Pop singers. It was possible to understand most of what they were trying to say, and it wasn't all just "Let's have fun!" and the usual line. There were the same things erilaz mentioned, like checking out the cosplay and choosing an interpreter from the audience. Oh, there were lots of Japanese people there. I noticed that before, during, and after the concert. I was surprised, considering it's just Chicago.

I listened to most of their recent singles that I haven't heard a few days before so I recognized those, and I liked everything I heard for the first time. I wish I were more up front because it looked more fun in the crowd, but I don't regret getting ramen and some delicious desserts before the concert.

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:02 am
by erilaz
^ I didn't arrive until about 4:45 (doors opened at 7:00), and the line was already halfway down the block. The merch line wasn't too bad when I got inside (it was insanely long after the show), but by the time I got through it, the front area on the floor was fairly full. I could have squeezed down there, but I opted instead for the better view from the next tier up with only a few people standing in front of me. I'm glad I did. Plus, if I hadn't, I might not have seen icey and Bryan!

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:20 am
by rikkikow
Oh well, it's not Perfume. Starts with a P though, smells like perfume. :heart:
Pamyurin tweet from July 23rd J-POP Summit Festival 2016

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:23 pm
by Zunu
The New York Perfume show was much the same as described by The Laz and esm. I was really astounded at the level of English, especially by Nocchi, who was able to quickly respond to spontaneous comments from the audience; it went much further than the canned lingo we usually get at H!P events. Kashiyuka was unexpectedly proficient as well. A~chan mostly relied on the volunteer interpreter (from Alabama!) . I was harboring a secret hope that Yasutaka Nakata himself might show up but of course that didn't happen. The segment with the see-thru video screens was something out of Blade Runner. I wasn't too familiar with most of their newer stuff but it was all great except for Star Tracks which to me sounds like a poor ripoff of See You Again from FF7. The cheer word was "steakhouse." The show was about 2 hours on the nose.

One weird thing that my friend noticed as the show started was that there was an older couple standing off to our right and the guy was kind of grabbing himself in his excited pants area as the performance was going on. But after a few minutes his wife/date started to argue with him, and then he left, and didn't return. I was thankfully oblivious while all this was happening.

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:53 pm
by TotallyUncool
This is beautiful...


(The Blue Hearts' original is excellent, but the Ebichu/GoGoNana etc. version has its own kind of poignancy.)

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 2:46 am
by Moh
Red Velvet - Russian Roulette

Re: 6th Station ~Other Bands for H!P Fans~

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:12 am
by Kravius Pila
Not as good as the others RV MV.
And I don't like the mini album, except for Some Love.