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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:09 pm
by iceymoon
stealing. XD

scale: LOVE, fan, like, ok, meh, don't care/lack of opinion
1st: Yuuko, Aya, Kaori, Nacchi, Asuka
2nd: Kei, Mari, Sayaka
3rd: Maki
4th: Rika, Yossi, Tsuji, Kago
5th: Aichan, KonKon, Mako, Risa
6th: Miki, ERI, Sayu, Reina
7th: Koharu
8th: Aika, JunJun, LinLin
9th: Mizuki, Eripon, Riho, Kanon
10th: Haruna, Ayumi, Masaki, Harurun
Masaki rose up from "meh" to "ok" to "like" real quick, let's hope it wasn't a fluke! x3 Eripon and Riho are both teetering the line of fan/like (Riho moved down to it while Eripon moved up to it), but since they're both current and i buy their stuff, i figured that's enough to land in "fan" for now. ^-^

there are no members i outright dislike (Asuka comes close), but the "meh" category is definitely my bottom tier.. maybe in all of H!P (not counting eggs).

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:40 pm
by Sohee
Hm, 10th gen are by no means... stable. They'll probably move around a bit. Hopefully 10th gen will stablize themselves enough, but I guess we'll see in a year or two.

scale: Worship, fan, like, okay, meh, idgaf

1st: Yuuko, Aya, Kaori, Nacchi, Asuka
2nd: Kei, Mari, Sayaka
3rd: Maki
4th: Rika, Yossi, Tsuji, Kago
5th: Ai, Konno, Makoto, Risa
6th: Miki, Eri, Sayumi, Reina
7th: Koharu
8th: Aika, JunJun, LinLin
9th: Mizuki, Erina, Riho, Kanon
10th: Haruna, Ayumi, Masaki, Haruka

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:53 pm
by AyuHikaru
Oh, I am all up in this bandwagon.

Stan, Fan, Like, Okay, Meh, I just do not care

1st Gen: Nacchi, Yuko, Asuka, Kaori, Aya

2nd Gen: Mari, Kei, Sayaka

3rd Gen: Maki

4th Gen: Rika, Tsuji, Kago, Yossi

5th Gen: Makoto, Ai, Risa, Konkon

6th Gen: Eri, Sayumi, Reina, Miki

7th Gen: Koharu

8th Gen: JUNJUN, Linlin, Aika

9th Gen: Zukki, Mizuki, Riho, Eripon

10th Gen: Haruna, Ayumi, Haruka, Masaki

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:25 am
by Rm88
Really like - Like - Okay - Meh - Maki.

1st Gen: Nacchi, Yuko, Asuka, Kaori, Aya

2nd Gen: Mari, Kei, Sayaka

3rd Gen: Maki

4th Gen: Rika, Tsuji, Kago, Yossi

5th Gen: Makoto, Ai, Risa, Konkon

6th Gen: Eri, Sayumi, Reina, Miki

7th Gen: Koharu

8th Gen: JunJun, LinLin, Aika

9th Gen: Zukki, Mizuki, Riho, Eripon

10th Gen: Haruna, Ayumi, Haruka, Masaki

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:05 am
by Sohee
Why do you dislike Maki? Like, I'd like to hear without getting a reply like "she sucks" or whatever. Like, I will never for the life of me understand how one can dislike anything so great as Eri, but at least Starra has given me a paragraph as to why she hates someone she hasn't or probably never will meet so much without going "EW BLAH SUCKS".

Gimme one of those for Maki? Cause I'm really curious. @.@; Personally I understand if people don't find her super amazing, but disliking her like that makes me curious. Do tell?

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:12 am
by iceymoon
^ i think he doesn't like her sexi-fied image? beyond that, i'm not sure.
i'd like to know if he hated pre-Glass no Pumps Maki as well, or if before that she would have been in another category (such as "okay" or at least "meh").

edit: on a related note, i recently saw the translations to Ashiato and it's maybe the first song ever i've been able to really relate to (in my adult life, not counting anything emo i thought i could relate to as a teen XD). made me love her more. :heart:

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:13 am
by AyuHikaru
Pre-glass no pumps, Maki was in my "Meh" catagory :fear:

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:16 am
by iceymoon
^ XD
i didn't think much of her (as in, didn't have much of an opinion) until i saw the 2006 sports festival. that made me realize how effortlessly cool she is, something that i feel is unique to her (only Aichan comes close, but even Aichan's coolness i have a hard time describing as "effortless").

actually, probably both Maki and Aichan deserve to be bumped up on my scale. i still rank them like i used to, despite the fact that they've both grown on me tons over the past couple years. x3

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:53 am
by Rm88
I'm not a "hater" of Maki :lol: She's just one of my least favorite H!P girls ever. I don't aggressively bash Maki, I think, even if I make it clear that I don't like her.

- She bores me, she has the kind of personality (or lack of) that doesn't appeal to me.
- While not ugly, I don't find her pretty and it amazes me so many people do. Different tastes, I guess.
- I don't like her singing. She became a better singer, but I still don't enjoy the sound of her voice.
- There's not one single Maki song I like (pre-Glass no Pumps, after, and post-H!P). Also, my introduction to her was Some Boys Touch :crazy:
- Probably the main reason: I'm into idols, not ~glamorous, mainstream pop divas~. Singing a Shakira song is a pretty good indication of something I won't like.

Still, she's a gamer, I'll give her that :lol:

Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:13 am
by Sohee
I see. @.@

Just gotta say though (not to you Rm88, just in general) when I did my list though, I ranked them as... how I thought of them in MM. Like, in MM I was only okay with Maki but I absolutely adore her as a soloartist. And Tsuji and Kago while liking them enough in MM, I absolutely LOVE them in W, etc etc. Some sadly stayed as boring and meh all the time though. Rika is better these days but that's for a DMM list at some point.