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Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more
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Re: Up-Front Thread

Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:02 am

Bitter & Sweet has been added to the lineup to perform at this year's TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2016. UUG, Kikkawa You, and Ciao Bella Cinquetti were announced awhile back.

Re: Up-Front Thread

Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:52 pm

How often does TIF invite non-idol acts to perform? (At least I'v never been under the impression Bitter & Sweet are idols, and I recall LovendoR performing a little while back.)

Re: Up-Front Thread

Wed Apr 13, 2016 1:07 am

Amped wrote:Starting today, Upfront channel is joining up with one of Japan's biggest online video on-demand subscription service site called U-NEXT that will let you watch all kinds of video content from Upfront artists and H!P (concerts, musicals, DVDs, Hello Station, Upcoming, Girls Night Out). Content will be updated monthly.
https://twitter.com/watch_UNEXT/status/ ... 7416873984


Mizuki, Kanon, Kudo, and Maria introduce Morning Musume. '16 to U-NEXT users in a video message
https://twitter.com/SB_AKI_unext/status ... 2245878785

Re: Up-Front Thread

Fri Apr 15, 2016 9:20 pm

UP-FRONT CHANNEL Recommend #29 (15 Apr 2016)

MCs: Ayaka Wada (ANGERME), Kaede Kaga (H!P Kenshuusei)


Chisato Moritaka comments on the Kumamoto earthquake…


Re: Up-Front Thread

Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:40 pm

Upcoming #12 (15 Apr 2016)

03:17~ Takeshi Matsubara symphonics digest (Live at Hamarikyu Asahi Hall 2016/03/30)
13:18~ Making of the "Jinsei wa STEP!" MV / ℃-ute
23:53~ Recording featurette: "Jinsei wa STEP!" / ℃-ute (tap recording)
34:29~ "Shout!!!!!!!" / Up Up Girls (仮) (Live at Kashiwa PALOOZA 2016/03/21)
40:48~ "Daijoubu" / Upcoming Orchestra (Live at Pacifico Yokohama 2016/03/20)
53:28~ Ending Talk

Re: Up-Front Thread

Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:53 pm

UF is raising funds for the Kumamoto earthquake disaster.
Donations can currently be made by money transfer from a bank or post office.
Or they can be made through donation boxes at concerts, events and Hello! Project official shops across the country.

Re: Up-Front Thread

Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:16 pm

Upcoming #13

03:44~ MV filming Angerme Tsugitsugi Zokuzoku
15:54~ Hallelujah~Iin janai? / LoveBitterEX (Live at F.A.D Yokohama 2016/03/05)
28:10~ Angerme Tsugitsugi Zokuzoku recording (vocals #01)
47:33~ YES, MY WAY / Nakajima Takui (Live at Shibuya WWW 2016/03/12)
53:21~ UPCOMING RECOMMEND : Watase Maki comment
55:16~ Ending Talk

Re: Up-Front Thread

Sat Apr 23, 2016 2:16 am

SaebaRyo wrote:UF is raising funds for the Kumamoto earthquake disaster.
Donations can currently be made by money transfer from a bank or post office.
Or they can be made through donation boxes at concerts, events and Hello! Project official shops across the country.

Concerning the fund-raising for Kumamoto
https://www.facebook.com/notes/up-front ... 1236798126

To all the people who suffered from the damages of the earthquakes in Kumamoto in 2016 and with the deepest sympathy from the botton of our heart, we would like to express our sincere condolences to the victims and their bereaved families.
Wishing for the revival as soon as possible, all UP-FRONT's companies like UP-FRONT CREATE, UP-FRONT PROMOTION, JP-ROOM, etc. as well as the affiliates companies, all the artists, started to accept donation money for the operations of rescuing the victims of the disaster. The money collected will be used by the Japan Red Cross Society for the rescue and the support of the victims. We would like to kindly thank you for being able to get your support and warm cheer daily.
Then concerning the situation of the fund-raising, UP-FRONT CREATE, UP-FRONT PROMOTION, JP-ROOM, etc. and all others UP-FRONT COMPANIES, associated companies will report about it on their website.

[About the fund-raising methods]
Currently, we accept the following methods for the donations (some differences for people living overseas are explained):
① A donation box will be set up in each concert, event place as well as in Hello! Project Official Shops.
② You can transfer money via the Japanese Post Office or the banks.
*** In case of a money transfer via the Japanese Post Office (if you are currently in Japan) Account number: 00180-6-156550 Name: UP-FRONT BOKIN - You can transfer money from Japanese Post Office - You must use the blue document for money transfer and fill it - Please pay also for the commission of the money transfer
*** If you transfer money via overseas banks Beneficiary Account Number: 5 digits + 6 digits version: 00180-156550 ( 3 digits + 7 digits version: 019-0156550 ) Beneficiary Account Number: UP-FRONT BOKIN Beneficiary Bank: Japan Post Bank Please use as reference the following link (in English) which explained how to transfer money from overseas with the other information needed: http://www.jp-bank.japanpost.jp/en/... - Please pay also for the commission of the money transfer - We are not able to send you back the money you transfer

If you have some question, please send a private message to this Facebook page (UP-FRONT LINK), we will try to answer you as much as possible. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

PS1: To see the article in Japanese, please check

Re: Up-Front Thread

Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:37 pm

InterFM will be holding an event (KKBOX Here comes THE BEATLES) to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' visit to Japan om May 3, 11AM-6PM.
Chisato Moritaka will be one of the artists performing. No surprise since she is known to be a huge Beatles fan and her music is heavily influenced by them.
KAN will also be performing.

Backstage photos from her 47 HARD NIGHTS concert at ZEPP TOKYO over the weekend.

News coverage of the concert and her thoughts on the Kumamoto earthquake.

Re: Up-Front Thread

Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:31 pm

Upcoming #14 (29 Apr 2016)

00:00~ Kumamoto earthquake relief
04:49~ Making the video for "Koi nara Tokku ni Hajimatteru" / ANGERME
16:14~ "Utsusemi no Ie" MV / Takao Horiuchi
21:13~ Recording featurette: "Tsugitsugi Zokuzoku" / ANGERME (vocals #2)
37:58~ "Koenji" / Takui Nakajima (Live at Shibuya WWW 2016/03/12)
49:06~ "Orange Rain" / LoveBitterEX (Live at F.A.D Yokohama 2016/03/05)
56:29~ UPCOMING RECOMMEND: LoVendoЯ LIVE TOUR 2016 ~POWEЯ~ tour rehearsal
01:00:47~ Ending talk
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