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Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:31 am

Let's just pronounce it the way it reads in katana


And that's it, we can finally move on :)

Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:35 am

The only thing that's bothering me is how illogical it is to write ANGERME with an "R" and an "M" right after... it doesn't even convey the mix of the 2 words. It would have been better if it was ANGELARME (but I'd probably read it as Angel Alarm unconsciously :P)

Apart from that, I think I like it, it's a new start ^_^

For Cubist cows.

Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:49 am


So there. XD

Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:27 am

So it's supposed to be Angel Mu rather than Angel Me/Anger me?

Well... the logo is cute.

Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:34 am

I pronounce it as "anjurm" to make it easier to myself. XD

I guess it's easy for me since I live with the silent "e" rule.

Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:20 am

I pronounce it An-d-jèl-me. ( french vowels )

Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:35 am

An - Jer -me

I'm assuming thats how they want me to pronounce it and im trying to train my brain not to say ANGER ME~!~!~!

I still really hate this name and think its way to far from the image of s/mileage.

I'll get over it tho

Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:06 am

It's an upside down world we now live in.
Bad is good, and Good is bad.

How would a Drill Sergeant pronounce it? :whistling:

I hate it and I won't get over it.

Whoever came up with that name should be fired not praised. Oh, I forgot everything is upside down today. :lol:
I must be in my pissy mood. XD

Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:03 am

Guys, I just realized.
It's not
angel + larme
angel + me
it is actually
ange + rme
like, the "ange" from "angel" and "rme" from larme. so the l-r problem is actually not a problem, unless you say it's the l from angel, but i don't think so.
unless you specifically said that it's angel + me. but i don't think so...

we haven't giving a formal goodbye to s/mileage. They're gone. There is no more s/mileage. That group has disbanded.

Re: S/mileage's new name is ANGERME, 3rd gen members announced

Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:15 am

^More likely "This group went on a hiatus" :whistling:

And I think we should wait to see their new style before that, I'm still wondering about this new outcome :hehe: :fear:
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